You can take a kayaking or canoeing trip and really explore the fjords. The mighty mountains that surround you will reveal their secrets, but the fjord can also tell its story; its interaction with thousands of small and large streams, rivers and waterfalls delivering minerals that give the fjord its characteristic green color.
At the same time, the fjord is part of the sea – leading a part of the world oceans right in here, between the high mountains where you can paddle quietly along the shoreline. And beneath you, down in the deep, there is another world, teeming with life, interaction, an ecosystem.
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If you bring your own kayak with you, Gudvangen, Undredal or Flåm are great places to start your trip. There are parking facilities right next to the shoreline where it is easy to launch your kayak.
There are many great places to take a break while you are kayaking, for example at Holmo, Odnes, Skalmenes and Salthella along Nærøyfjorden, and Stokko and Fronnes along Aurlandsfjorden. These open landscapes are traces left behind by generations that have cleared the land and moved stones, cut the gras and made hay to feed their livestock. These meadows are classed as cultivated land that local farmers continue to use as hayfields or grazing pastures. By not leaving any traces in the landscape, you are helping to preserve the unique cultural landscape.

The fjord can be experienced in many ways
Visitors can also experience the fjord by rowboat, RIB or on larger boats. No matter how you make your way across the water, the fjord will appeal to your senses, the mountains will tower above you, while the waves ripple around you and you become part of this mighty landscape – enjoy!
Find activities on the Visit Sognefjord og Visit Vosswebsites.
Safety on the fjord
Traveling by boat or kayak on the fjord is a great experience. Here are some tips to ensure you have a safe trip.
- Rockfalls are common occurrences along the fjord. Keep a good distance from cliffs and waterfalls.
- If you are traveling in a small boat or kayak, be aware of strong winds that gust down from the steep mountainsides.
- Scheduled boat traffic follows the center line of the fjords. Try to keep to one side.
- Wear a reflective vest and preferably a headlamp when it gets dark.
- Remember the difference between high tide and low tide when you go ashore, and make sure you pull your boat well away from the shoreline.
- Long trips: Be prepared for adverse weather conditions and emergency situations.
- Tell someone where you are going.
- Be aware that not all places have mobile phone coverage.
- It is a good idea to bring: A whistle, mobile phone, life jacket, warm and waterproof clothing, map and compass/GPS. Make sure you know how to use the equipment.

Leave no trace

Clean up after yourself and do not leave any trash behind, including disposable barbecues and wet wipes.

Show consideration for grazing animals and wild animals. Keep your dog on a leash and close gates behind you./p>

Use recommended campsites, or pitch your tent at least 150 meters away from houses and cabins situated on uncultivated land. Open areas along the fjord are often classed as cultivated land. You must have permission from the landowner to pitch your tent in these areas. Avoid leaving rocks and stones in fields.

Use existing toilets.

If you can’t find a toilet, dig a hole that is at least 30 meters from paths, buildings or water sources. Toilet paper and wet wipes are garbage that must be thrown into a trash bin.

Use established fire pits and avoid building campfires directly on bedrock in case the rock cracks. Extinguish the fire properly and clean up before you leave.