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Activities and experiences

No matter what you have planned for your trip, the nature here offers fantastic experiences. Whether you want to climb the highest mountain or hike along the fjord, or if you want to take a dip in the sea or paddle your way along the beaches. Maybe you have never gone on a snowshoe trip? If you don’t want to explore the area on your own, there are many companies who offer guiding. They can take you along on experiences you didn’t even dream about. Enjoy your stay!



Contact us

Nærøyfjorden Verdsarvpark
Helabrotet 2A , 5745 Aurland
E: post@naroyfjorden.no

Nærøyfjorden verneområdestyre,
Njøsavegen 2, 6863 Leikanger,
E: sfvlpost@statsforvalteren.no



Child looking at the view over the fjord.
Person paddles on the fjord.

Use the fjord!

A trip on the fjord is one of the very best ways to experience the mighty fjord landscape. Paddling your own kayak is the best way to get a close-up view of the natural surroundings, but there are also many motorized alternatives on offer.


Follow the trail!

Butterflies in your stomach, goosebumps, the feeling of freedom, and just how small we humans really are in the mighty natural surroundings! Feel the forces of nature on your skin. You might have to push yourself to reach your goal, but the sense of accomplishment and the view that awaits is unrivalled and worth every drop of sweat!

Child hiking.
Person skiing.

Winter fun

During late winter and spring, there are good opportunities for great skiing trips in the Nærøyfjord area. There aren’t that many groomed trails, but there is lots of fresh snow to have fun in.


Hunting and fishing

There are many good fishing lakes in the mountains around Nærøyfjorden. For those who prefer to carry a gun over their shoulder, there are opportunities to hunt reindeer, red deer, moose and ptarmigan.

Hunters in the sunset.